Sunday, April 03, 2011

ACF 964: Section23 Films announces its May, 2011 DVD releases


GUIN SAGA COLLECTION 2 Available on May 31st

Home video distributor Section23 Films has announced its May slate of releases, including the 2nd collection of GUIN SAGA to be released on DVD by Section23 client Sentai Filmworks.

Product details follow, in order of release.

Published by: Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by: Section23 Films
Run Time: 275 min.
Street Date: 5/3/2011
Format: DVD
Language: Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP: $49.98

SYNOPSIS: Yes, despite all common logic or sense of self preservation, the Mikami Detective agency continues to ply their occult trade, dousing spirits, vaporizing vapors and generally not giving the supernatural a ghost of a chance. Of course, once you've gotten into this profession, it's really hard to get out, since you're actually busiest when your business is dying. And it further complicates things when some of your staff is officially waaaay past their sell-by date themselves. (That's referring to Okinu, not Tado, who's really still alive; it's just his chances of scoring with Reiko that are dead.) Get ready for yet another set of insane adventures among the Flatlinners and Office Zombies that infest modern Japan as our immortally challenged team of professional spook-chasers take on the most dangerous people no longer alive in the frantic and frenetic fourth collection of GHOST SWEEPER MIKAMI!

Published by: Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by: Section23 Films
Run Time: 60 min.
Street Date: 5/10/2011
Format: DVD
Language: Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP: $19.98

SYNOPSIS: CoMix Wave, the studio behind Voices of a Distant Star and the Place Promised in Our Early Days, returns to the twin themes of love and human relationships with a startling new pair of stories that could only be told through the medium of animation. In Hoshizora Kiseki (Starry-Sky Miracle) Kozue, a young girl who loves astronomy encounters Ginga, a boy with a mysterious ability to understand the stars that is being exploited by others. As her friendship with Ginga grows, Kozue realizes that she must help him learn to make his own decisions, but that do that, he must remove the protective suit he always wears. For Hemi, the heroine of Coffee Samurai, however, a boyfriend in a protective suit would be an easy thing to deal with compared to her own problem: she's in love with a Coffee Vending machine! Of course, it all makes perfect sense once you realize that he's actually an ancient Samurai who wished to be reborn into an indestructible steel body. But it certainly makes the dates uncomfortable and somewhat prone to scalding! Twin tales, twin couples, twin conundrums - it's twice the magic in a single package in Coffee Samurai / Hoshizora Kiseki!

Published by: Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by: Section23 Films
Run Time: 325 min.
Street Date: 5/17/2011
Format: DVD
Language: Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP: $49.98

SYNOPSIS: On a world where the single massive continent has been literally cut in two by mountains and rivers since the dawn of time, the ongoing wars between those on the opposing sides have continued for so long that the memory of when they first started has long been forgotten. But now, as the war between the alliances of Roxche and Sou Beil extends the conflict into its 130th year, a chance encounter and a hastily staged rescue attempt launches fighter pilot Allison and marksman and bibliophile Will on an incredible journey. A journey that could possibly end the wars once and for all! And that's just the beginning of what's about to happen to this unlikely set of young heroes. Get ready for an amazing set of epic adventures that will span two generations in the first spectacular collection of ALLISON & LILLIA!

Published by: Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by: Section23 Films
Run Time: 325 min.
Street Date: 5/24/2011
Format: DVD
Language: Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP: $49.98

SYNOPSIS: When there's trouble afoot in ancient China, it's up to the Sisterhood of Steel to set things right once again. So, when a spell is cast on Kashin, the beautiful Han official, that begins to slowly turn her into a cat, it's up to Ryubi and the others to go forth and find the exotic ingredients to undo the enchantment before the felinization is finalized. And there'll be no time for pussyfooting around; at least Kashin certainly hopes there won't be, because this is just the beginning of an even greater plot launched by a band of evil eunuchs. (Though, given what they are, it's not as if they have much to do besides plot, and who can blame them for being a little ticked off?) Get ready for the wildest epic fantasy to ever combine panties, cat girls and elephant belly button lint in the same storyline as the ferociously all-female force from Koihime†Mus? and Shin Koihime†Mus? returns in their usual fine fighting form in Shin Koihime†Mus? : Otome Tairan!

Published by: Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by: Section23 Films
Run Time: 325 min.
Street Date: 5/31/2011
Format: DVD
Language: English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP: $59.98

SYNOPSIS: Is Guin suffering under some curse? Or is the leopard-headed gladiator actually the human incarnation of the evil god Doal? Many rulers in this strange land of sorcerers and warriors have their ideas. From the scheming battle princess Lady Amnelis to the mysterious Duke Norisse, ruthless players move across the chess board of war to take over the Middle Country, while Guin and his young friends are caught in the middle. But when Guin at last finds the strange young Shidoh, it seems all will be revealed. But neither Guin-nor you-will believe what horrible secret Shidoh is hiding inside. Don't miss the epic conclusion to anime's most exciting, swashbuckling sword and sorcery epic!

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