With Dada Chen at NYAFF 2013

With Dada Chen at NYAFF 2013
With Dada Chen at NYAFF 2013

Thursday, March 01, 2012

ACF 1364: Section23 Films announces April slate of releases

Home video distributor Section23 Films has announced its April slate of releases, including INFINITE STRATOS. Loaded with special features and a bonus soundtrack CD, the series will be released on both DVD & Blu-Ray by Section23 client, Sentai Filmworks.

Product details below are in order of release.

Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         300 min.
Street Date:      4/3/2012
Format:             DVD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $49.98

SYNOPSIS:  The insanity that began when a very naked (and very female) alien teleported into Rito Yuki's bathtub (while he was in it) continues.  And even though Princess Lala has finally started to admit her true feelings for the young man she's inexplicably engaged to marry (as a result of what happened in said bathtub and Develuke customs,) her sometimes erratic technology and the snags and snarls of intergalactic politics and intrigue are still causing major problems.  That transporter?  Yeah, it still has the nasty habit of leaving the clothes behind. Alien bounty hunters?  Yep, even more of them and they're even more devious.  Add body switches, alien skunks, a bathroom that changes size and shape, the inevitable sleepover that you just know it's going to go horribly, horribly wrong (spoiler: it does.)  Worst of all, there's Valentine's Day, and even in space you'll be able to hear Rito scream!  Love takes a quantum shift into the wrong gear and the star brakes are broken in the extra-special, extra-crazy extraterrestrial romance to end them all, MOTTO TO LOVE RU - The Complete Collection.

Published by:    Maiden Japan
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         300 min.
Street Date:      4/3/2012
Format:             DVD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $49.98

SYNOPSIS: To bring law and order you need police, to make music you need musicians, and to make the former using the latter, you need a Dantist!  Ever since he was visited by a mysterious spirit as a boy, Phoron's wanted to become one of the elite battle bards who watch over the continent of Polyphonica.  Yet even though he's mastered the basic skills for singing the Commandia spells and operating a One-Man Orchestra, he's been unable to summon the required spirit companion because of a promise he made to that first spirit: to sing only for her.  But that silence is shattered and Phoron's musical meanderings are over when his supernatural partner suddenly returns, intent on finalizing the 'contract' they made twelve years ago!  Which would be great except for one thing: she's not just any spirit, but the dreaded Corticarte, the Crimson Annihilator!  But what the heck, sometimes you just you just have to grit your teeth and duet!  Get ready for a musical partnership with more than its share of discord and a distinctly martial beat in Polyphonica Crimson S.

Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         325 min.
Street Date:      4/10/2012
Format:             DVD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $59.98

SYNOPSIS:  Ten years ago, the development of the revolutionary Infinite Stratos powered exoskeleton changed the world's balance of power overnight. Unfortunately, while the distribution of IS systems to every nation on Earth HAS ushered in a new era of peace, the fact that only women have thus far been able to pilot the Stratos systems has sent the relationship between the XX and XY-chromosomed halves of the human race into a spiraling tailspin!  So when fifteen-year-old Ichika Orimura is suddenly discovered to be the first male with the ability to control an IS, whatever plans he might have had for his own future are tossed out the window even as he's thrown to the wolves and enrolled at the otherwise entirely female Infinite Stratos Academy by order of the Japanese government!  It's One Boy Vs. All the Girls as Ichika get taken for a ride on some serious heavy metal in INFINITE STRATOS - The Complete Collection.

Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         325 min.
Street Date:      4/10/2012
Format:             BD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $69.98

SYNOPSIS:  Ten years ago, the development of the revolutionary Infinite Stratos powered exoskeleton changed the world's balance of power overnight. Unfortunately, while the distribution of IS systems to every nation on Earth HAS ushered in a new era of peace, the fact that only women have thus far been able to pilot the Stratos systems has sent the relationship between the XX and XY-chromosomed halves of the human race into a spiraling tailspin!  So when fifteen-year-old Ichika Orimura is suddenly discovered to be the first male with the ability to control an IS, whatever plans he might have had for his own future are tossed out the window even as he's thrown to the wolves and enrolled at the otherwise entirely female Infinite Stratos Academy by order of the Japanese government!  It's One Boy Vs. All the Girls as Ichika get taken for a ride on some serious heavy metal in INFINITE STRATOS - The Complete Collection.

Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         300 min.
Street Date:      4/17/2012
Format:             DVD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $49.98

SYNOPSIS:  When can flunking a spelling test cause major problems?  When you're learning how to use magic, of course!  And that's exactly the situation fifteen-year-old Yume Kikuchi finds herself in when she travels to Tokyo to begin her apprenticeship as a licensed magic user.  Unfortunately, Yume's a country girl in the big city for the first time and there are a lot of new-fangled ideas to get used to.  Like her new mentor, Oyamada, turning out to be a man instead of the expected woman!  Add to that the fact that Yume's not really very confident about her abilities to achieve her goal of a magic license and she might just jinx herself into failing!  It will take a lot of helping hands from her equally challenged fellow students and even more aid from her teachers if she's going to succeed, but in the end, the most important lesson she'll learn may not even be about spellcasting.  The process of growing up and discovering what lies inside your own heart is the most wonderful magic of all in SOMEDAY'S DREAMERS - THE COMPLETE COLLECTION.

Title:                 GOLGO 13 COLLECTION 3
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         300 min.
Street Date:      4/24/2012
Format:             DVD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $59.98

SYNOPSIS: He never misses his target.  No one has ever seen him kill and lived to speak of it.  Any witnesses-beautiful woman or stray cat-become just collateral damage, part of the job.  And now Golgo 13 is back with some of his most heartless cases ever.  The targets this time?  Accident survivors turned mindless terrorists.  A disgraced politician's mistress.  A Trump-like CEO.  Ocean pirates with a sniper of their own.  And in the strangest assignment of all time, Golgo is hired to take out an 1800 Romanée-Monts Luisants. (Yes, he's going to kill a bottle of wine.)  Solve the puzzles-if you can-in the most mysterious, action-packed shoot-'em-up ever.

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